Friday, 27 December 2024

How to do Entrelac Knitting

Entrelac knitting is a fascinating technique that creates a unique, woven, or basket-weave effect in your fabric. The texture looks like a diamond pattern. In this process, you knit small blocks of fabric with knitting needles that interconnect at a diagonal and give the appearance of interlaced knitting strips. It may look complex to beginners, but the method is straightforward and becomes easy after continuous practice. This blog will guide you about entrelac knitting, the steps to create it, and helpful tips for getting the best result.

Are you ready to learn this interesting technique? Yes, great!

What do you understand by entrelac knitting?

Entrelac knitting is an innovative and advanced technique that produces diamond-like patterns by knitting rows of blocks or rectangles in different directions. This technique works in short rows and can be done using one or more colors. You get a 3D shape that looks visually appealing and involves various steps and each step is easy to learn.

What skill do you need for entrelac knitting?

While the Entrelac technique looks complex, it is fairly easy to create. If you are an expert on a pair of circular needles, it is straightforward once you understand the instructions and pattern. You must have a basic understanding of knitting stitches such as cast-on, knit, and purl stitch. Other than these, you need:

  • Must be aware of k2tog, and p2tog (knit or purl two stitches together).
  • The technique of pick-up stitches is required to create a woven appearance of interconnected blocks.
  • Entrelac follows entirely a garter pattern, although stockinette stitches are commonly used.

Which knitting needles are the best for entrelac technique?

Many options are available, but choosing the best is a daunting task. So, let’s discuss them all:

  • If you want to create small entrelac projects in rounds such as hats or socks double pointed needles are good to work with.
  • Single-pointed knitting or straight needles are ideal for smaller to medium-sized projects like dishcloths, blankets, or sweaters. As you know, these fabrics produce dense fabric, which may strain on hands and wrists.
  • Circular knitting needles are the best option as they allow, you to knit on flat and round pieces. Furthermore, you can hold a large number of stitches easily. With the advantage of interchangeable needles, you can adjust the cable size according to your project.

Why try Entrelac knitting?

  • It adds a striking visual effect, making it different from the traditional method of knitting.
  • You can experiment with contrasting yarns, which is great for colorwork technique.
  • The versatile technique works for projects such as scarves, sweaters, blankets, and shawls for beautiful textures.

Entrelac knitting- key concepts

Before learning this technique, let us understand a few terms used in this method.

  • Base triangles are the foundation of entrelac knitting. It is created at the bottom edge of the fabric.
  • Once you finish the base triangle, knit left-leaning rectangles to begin the next tier.
  • These right-leaning rectangles slant in the opposite direction, created in alternating tiers.
  • At last, you create a top triangle, called a finishing triangle, that is essential to create a smooth edge at the top of the project.

Entrelac knitting – Step-by-step procedure

To start the method, knit a series of triangles to create a foundation.

Step 1: Start with cast-on stitches

  • Cast on at least 20 stitches using cast-on methods. You choose any technique like longtail.

Step 2: Create a base triangle

Row 1 (right side): knit 1 stitch and turn your work. Use the back-and-forth technique in short rows so you won't complete the entire row.

Row 2 (wrong side): Purl the knit stitch, then turn work again.

Row 3 (right side) Knit 2 stitches (knit the original plus one more stitch), and turn your work.

Row 4 (wrong side): Purl those 2 stitches and turn your work.

Row 5 (right side): Knit 3 stitches (knit the original plus one more stitch), and turn your work.

Continue this pattern across all the cast-on stitches, until you reach the end. This forms the base triangle.

Step 3: Repeat for additional triangle

  • After completing the first base triangle, work on the same needle, without cutting the yarn.
  • Start with the next triangle by following the same method as in step 2.

Step 4: Right slanting triangle

  • For clean and neat edges, begin the second tier on the wrong side, if you knit flat, avoid extra yarn tails.

Step 5: Pick up stitches

  • Pick up the stitches with a knitting needle along the edge of the base triangle.

Step 6: Third tier (left slanting triangle)

After completing the right slanting triangle, the next step is to work on the left.

  • Start at the right edge and pick up 5 stitches.
  • Work in short rows and purl back.
  • Turn your work purl at the end of the work and repeat the process.
  • Continue until you have worked all the stitches into the rectangle. Repeat this step up to the last stitch.

Tips for successful entrelac technique

  • Use stitch markers to keep track of your patterns.
  • Work on the swatch before you start working on the final project.
  • For neat edges, pick up stitches from the front.

Entrelac technique may be complex for beginners, but once you break down the methods into steps, you will love, and enjoy doing this. Whether you are working on a small or a large project, it allows you to create a beautiful textured fabric that stands out. So, grab your yarn and knitting needles and dive into the entrelac technique.

Happy Knitting!

Wednesday, 11 December 2024

How to Crochet Christmas Bells

Welcome to the enchanting crochet world and create charming, handcrafted beautiful holiday décor items- Christmas bells. You can use these lovely decorations to make a festive garland, adorn your Christmas tree, or gift to your loved ones. This beautiful creative item will add joy and a whimsy touch. In this tutorial, we will guide you on crocheting this timeless piece of Christmas with crochet hooks. The crochet bell is the perfect ornament this holiday season.


Keep in mind that, a single crochet (US) is a fundamental pattern in crochet while it is double crochet in (the UK) pattern. So, you must have basic crochet stitches knowledge, like slip stitch, foundation chain, and double crochet (DC).


What Materials are Required?


Let’s gather all the materials required to create a beautiful Christmas bell:


- You can use any yarn you like. However, it will determine the size of the bell.  If you want a sparkling bell, choose a DK weight yarn available in festive colors like red, green, or gold.

-  A 4 mm single-ended crochet hook is ideal for beginners but if you're feeling adventurous a double-ended hook can add an interesting twist to your design.

- Keep some handy tools like stitch markers, scissors, and a tapestry needle that will help in your project.


Step-by-Step Methods to Crochet Christmas Bells


Follow these simple and easy steps to crochet beautiful decorative items:


Step 1: Create a base


The first step in creating your Christmas bell is to establish the base.


  • Begin with crocheting a magic circle or ring, this method gives your bell a tight core. Pull the yarn through to create a loop, then wrap it around your fingers to create a magic circle.
  • Then, chain 1 and create your first row which is not considered a stitch.
  • After creating the magic circle by working six double crochets. To make the circle tighter, pull the yarn end.
  • To finish the round, attach a slip stitch to the initial single crochet.

Step 2: Create a Bell Shape


After creating a base, the next step is to make a bell shape.


  • Increase the number of rounds.
  • In round 2, work two double crochets in each of the twelve stitches after chaining one.
  • Chain 1 in the third round, followed by one double crochet in the first stitch and two double crochets in the subsequent stitch. Do this about eighteen times.
  • In round 4: chain 1, then 1 double crochet in each of the next two stitches, and 2 double crochets in the next stitch. Do this again (24 stitches).
  • Keep doing it until you reach the desired size.


Step 3: Finalizing the Bell


It's time to finish your bell.


  1. To secure the yarn, cut it and draw it through the final loop.
  2. Add decorative elements for charm and jingling noises, and sew beads or tiny decorative bells to the bottom of your crocheted bell.
  3. Don’t be afraid of experimenting with colors.


Step 4: Create a hanging loop


To use your bell as an ornament or to hang it from the tree:


  1. Attach yarn to your bell's top.
  2. To make a hanging loop, chain 15 stitches and insert stitches into the bell's base.


Add unique texture and style with a Tunisian crochet hook, which traditional hooks don’t offer.


Tips for Perfecting Your Crochet Bells


Creating beautiful crochet bells is all about technique and practice. Here are some tips to help you perfect your craft:


  • Always use a yarn of superior quality that can have a big impact on the final look, and feel of your item. Choose a yarn that is soft but strong and retains its shape.
  • Use a crochet hook that matches the size of the yarn weight. As you know, a hook that is too small can produce tight stitches, while a too-big one can produce floppy, loose fabric.


  • Before beginning your bells, become familiar with fundamental stitches like slip stitch and double crochet (DC). Gaining proficiency in these techniques will increase crocheting's appeal and decrease its frustration.


  • Use stitch markers especially when working in the round to keep track.


  • Make sure you tighten the circle after finishing the round by pulling the long tail.


Crocheting Christmas bells is a great way to share seasonal cheer with handcrafted decorations. These colorful ornaments will lift your spirits for the holidays, whether you're using simple single-ended crochet hooks or experimenting with more complex hooks. You can make lovely crochet bells that will be cherished for many years. Thus, get your crochet hook set, get some yarn, and begin making adorable Christmas bells right now! KnitPro offers various ranges of crochet hooks catering preferences of all types of crocheters.

Get Ready to ring a handcrafted bell this Christmas.