Saturday 15 June 2024

Top 9 Tips For Traveling With Knitting Needles


We crafters can’t imagine our trips without our favorite knitting needles. For us, they are not just tools but feel like companions, not actually feel, they are truly our companions, and we just can’t keep them behind at home. But, taking them along can be challenging since we fear misplacing or damaging them or our other important items packed along with them. That’s why this blog is here for those who are looking for tips so they can carry their besties with them on the trip.

 Ways to keep your knitting needles safe while traveling

1.   Pre-Travel Research

 Before you start your journey, it is imperative to research the regulations pertaining to the transportation of knitting needles to your chosen destination. While generally permitted on most airlines and trains, specific countries may have stricter regulations. Conducting online research can prevent unnecessary delays or inconveniences at the airport or border.


2.   Pack like a Pro

 Space is often limited during travel, so choose your needles wisely. Opt for circular needles, they are highly recommended due to their reduced risk of tangling and their versatility for various projects.


3.   Organization Kits

 The first and foremost step is keeping your knitting needles and essentials safe in a kit. This way, you will be able to find them safely in a place. If you don’t have kits, then investing in a complete knitting needles set would be a smart choice where you will be getting all the required accessoeries along with needles too, such as stitch markers, scissors, wool needles, etc. 


4.   Waterproof Bag

 Nature's beauty is often unpredictable, and even the most accurate weather forecast can't guarantee a rain-free day. That's why it's wise to protect our needle kits with a waterproof bag. This simple step not only protects our precious knitting essentials from rain but also from accidental spills or leakages, ensuring our tools stay safe and dry.


5.   Travel-Friendly Pattern

 Choose travel-friendly projects. Simple patterns with repetitive stitches are ideal for those inevitable moments of turbulence or disturbance. Think of hats, pouches, or small projects. Avoid intricate details in patterns while you travel, as these require more focus and might not be best for a bumpy car or train ride. Well, of course, you can knit with intricate patterns, but only when you are sitting in a comfortable space and enjoying your leisure time.

6.    Back up of the Pattern

 This tip is equally important. Since we travel outside, the chances of getting out of the coverage area, or maybe your phone or tablet ran out of battery, are high. In this case, if you just had a digital pattern available, you would be sad. So always keep a backup of it.


7.   Keep Extra Yarn

 What if you get the inspiration on the way after seeing people, locations, or maybe scenic views? Not only this, but imagine if the yarn you thought would be enough for the existing project, but it's over now, what will you do then?


8.   Expect the Unexpected

 Travel can be unpredictable. Delays, unexpected detours, and changes in plans are all part of the adventure. Embrace the downtime! Use these unexpected moments to catch up on your knitting, and who knows, you might even find inspiration in the hustle and bustle of your surroundings.


9.   Be a Considerate Knitter

 Mindfulness toward fellow travelers is paramount. Avoid using long needles that could inadvertently cause discomfort or injury. If straight needles are preferred, opting for shorter lengths minimizes the potential accidental poking or loss. Further, keep your projects contained within your bag to prevent yarn from becoming entangled with other passengers' belongings.


Above all, remember to relax and enjoy your journey and the experience. Knitting is a wonderful way to unwind, de-stress, and spread creativity. So pack your bags, keep your needles (single, circular, or double pointed knitting needles) in a kit along with a beautiful pattern, and knit around the world with a sense of mindful awareness and respect for your fellow travelers.

Saturday 1 June 2024

Knitting Needle Conversion Chart

The knitting needle conversion chart comes in really handy when you find yourself confused with the sizes. Just imagine you have found your perfect pattern for your jumper, shawl, or maybe for adorable baby booties. You gathered your yarn and knitting needles ready. Then everything grinds to a halt. You see many different-sized needles and don’t know which needle goes for which yarn. Or maybe you are confused about UK and US sizes. That should not happen to anyone. That’s where the knitting needle conversion chart saves your day.

Using the Chart: It’s Easier Than You Think! 

Most charts have three columns: metric (mm), UK (numbers), and US (numbers). Simply find the size listed in your pattern, e.g., US 7, and follow it across the chart. You will see the corresponding size in the other system. In this case, it will be likely 4.5 mm metric and UK size 9.

Despite using the same metric sizes, the UK and the US have different numbering or sizing systems. From single pointed knitting needles to circular needle sizes range from 0 to 50 in the US, while in the UK, they range from 14 to 000. The modern knitting patterns used in these countries are in metric language. Therefore, they use millimeters in all patterns. It’s really easy to understand: as the value of mm increases, the needle thickness will increase in the US and decrease in the UK.

 Knitting Needle Conversion Chart 

Metric (mm)

US Size

UK Size











































10 ½























Pro Tips for Conversion Chart Mastery 

Gauge is key: The ultimate goal is achieving the specified gauge mentioned in the pattern. No matter which type of needle you use, such as a single to circular needle, the gauge (number of stitches and rows per inch) remains the same. If you are not sure of the converted size, knit a swatch with your suspected needle size and measure your gauge. Adjust needle size up or down as needed to hit the target.
Start small: Whenever you are in doubt, just number down the size. Knitting with needles slightly smaller than recommended will result in a tighter fabric, which is generally easier to fix than a project that's too loose. But if you are knitting a lace pattern, then you should take one larger needle and one smaller. You can also use double pointed needles if your projects are supposed to be round with the same method.
No needle size mentioned: If your needles are not marked with the needle sizes or perhaps the ink just washed away after multiple uses, you will need a “Needle Gauge.”
Now, you must be wondering what is a needle gauge and how do we use it?
A knitting needle gauge is a vital tool for measuring and identifying knitting needles. It assists knitters in choosing the right needle size for their projects, guaranteeing the ideal gauge and texture of the finished fabric. A flat ruler-like piece of plastic or metal with a number of different-sized holes or slots is usually used as the gauge.

Now to answer the next question how to use it? You simply need to insert the needle tip into the hole. If the needle is comfortably placed in the specified hole, then that is the size you need. If it fits too loosely, just place it in the next smaller hole.

With your newfound conversion chart skills, you will be on your way to start your knitting journey. Now, who is ready for some fabulous new projects? Bookmark this blog for help in a click.